Introducing AAPII, our exclusive approach to revolutionizing the customer experience. This innovative methodology, pronounced “happy,” empowers us to accurately Assess, Analyze, Prioritize, Implement, and Improve—for unparalleled results. With AAPII, we can precisely determine what it takes to move the needle and take your customer experience to the next level.
Let us help you improve the customer experience!


In order to understand and delineate the root cause of customer experience challenges,  we carefully assess the needs of people (both employees and citizens), the efficiency of processes, and the practicality of technology throughout the organization.

This phase includes:

  • Customer/employee journey mapping
  • Technology assessment
  • Web presence assessment
  • Process assessment
  • Customer/Employee Surveys


Once all assessments are complete, we analyze the results of each assessment and consider them in concert. It is understanding how each component of the citizen experience fits with the others that creates meaningful results, accurate KPIs, and practical metrics. Creating baseline measures of performance is key.

This phase includes:

  • Identifying quick wins
  • Identifying long-term goals
  • Data analysis
  • Root cause analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Gap analysis
  • Customer experience best practices
  • Creation of baseline metrics/KPIs


Prioritizing the findings from the Analyze Phase allows us to create an actionable plan to address short-term recommendations, or “quick wins,” and longer-term recommendations, which require more time and budgetary considerations. Organizing them by impact and effort creates the needed road map for implementation.

This phase includes:

  • Prioritizing objectives
  • Establishing timeline
  • Establishing budget
  • Creating engagement and branding strategy
  • Creating final roadmap


We then roll up our sleeves and work side by side with our client to implement each and every recommendation, and we measure improvement with each recommendation.

This phase includes:

  • Project management
  • Change management
  • Implementation of branding/engagement strategy
  • Assistance with technology procurement/implementation
  • Assistance with web strategy/implementation
  • Assistance with process re-design and implementation
  • Assistance with instructional design and training delivery where needed


One of the most important aspects of AAPII is the implementation of a “continuous improvement culture” that is baked into employees and citizens alike, so they work together as one team to achieve what is best for all—greater efficiencies for the agency and ease of use for the citizen.

This phase includes:

  • Creating a process to continuously assess and improve the baseline by:
    • Providing an ongoing schedule to measure and progress
    • Providing and training customers on the process for analyzing the metrics
    • Providing and training customers on the process for creating a strategy to improve performance
  • Enforcing a citizen-focused environment and encouraging a culture of continuous improvement by:
    • Assisting customers in fostering employee motivation to focus on excellent customer/citizen experience
    • Assisting and/or training customers to create strategies for employee involvement in improving the citizen experience