Case Study

Customer Service Assessment and Remote Customer Service Workshop  During COVID-19 Pandemic

Client Background and Overview

In late 2019, Turnkey Solutions received an exciting opportunity to assist a large municipal government with their customer service assessment and training for their 2,600 employees. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the engagement had to be conducted remotely. Turnkey Solutions accepted the challenge and implemented a Customer Service General Needs Assessment to identify any gaps in their current level of service and provide practical recommendations for both short-term and long-term changes that could positively impact the citizen experience. Additionally, Turnkey Solutions provided online training through their TalentLMS platform, which allowed employees to take the training remotely at any time, making it more accessible for everyone.


The municipal government faced various obstacles in delivering high-quality customer service to its citizens. One of the main challenges was a lack of a benchmark to guide their efforts, as they had not previously evaluated the level of service they provided. They also grappled with understaffing in various departments, burnout among employees due to COVID-19, and dissatisfaction among some employees regarding the lack of training and resources available to deliver high-quality customer service to the public. Additionally, citizens reported difficulties accessing information and instances of staff being impolite during interactions.


Turnkey Solutions provided a comprehensive Customer Service General Needs Assessment that included surveys and focus groups to identify gaps in the current level of service and inform practical recommendations for short-term and long-term changes. They also provided online training through their TalentLMS platform, which allowed employees to take the training remotely at their convenience, and a gamification feature that increased employee engagement and provided a record of training completion and quiz performance.

Impact and Conclusion

Through their comprehensive assessment, Turnkey Solutions was able to identify and address critical areas of improvement in the municipal government’s customer service, resulting in a significant impact on the quality of service provided to residents. The employees’ attitudes towards customer service also improved, with newfound vitality and commitment demonstrated. The training provided by Turnkey Solutions received an excellent rating for its excellence, ease of use, and practical teaching approach.

Turnkey Solutions additionally provided support in implementing identified “quick win” recommendations promptly, resulting in improvements to the municipality’s customer service and enhancing the resident experience. This helped build trust and confidence in the municipality’s ability to provide quality services to its citizens. With the provided roadmap, the municipality was able to address blockages to good customer service in a more structured manner, ensuring a long-term positive impact on the citizen experience and significant strides towards its goal of providing world-class customer service to its citizens.